Philip Hopwood
A great deal happens across a decade. Where were you and what were you doing in March 2013?
Many of the events and changes affecting Filey and the surrounding villages during the past ten years have been documented within the pages of our magazine and website. We feel a huge sense of pride and achievement in reaching this milestone.
It would of course, be impossible for us to have survived year on year without an incredible amount of support from individuals, businesses, and other local organisations. As we have grown, many of our associates have also flourished with us as our community continues to evolve. That means a lot to us.
It is still unknown to many that Filey Bay Today is a not-for-profit operation, run by volunteers. All the money made from the magazine after costs goes directly back into the community, via our donations to local groups, charities, and institutions.
At our ‘Tenth Birthday Party and Grant Giving Celebration’ we enjoyed the company of many old and new beneficiaries, supporters, and contributors. Hosted by our Editor / Director Natalie Bosomworth and our Secretary / Director Sue Bosomworth, the event at The White Lodge Hotel in Filey (who provided an excellent buffet) brought together so many people who work hard to make our locality a pleasure to live in.

Thanks to our patrons and advertisers, we were able give grants to 25 recipients this year. They included:
Filey in Bloom
Hunmanby Parents & Tots
Filey Literature Festival
Thrive Alive
Restore Sparks
National Coastwatch
Hunmanby over 60’s
Filey Parish
Filey Steampunk Weekend
Filey Showgroup
Filey Lawn Tennis Club
Filey Flower Club
Filey Childcare
Filey Town Football Club
Filey Rotary Club
Parish Centre
FileyBay 1779
Ta Da’nce
Wheely Active
Filey Infants & Nursery Academy
Muston in Bloom
Filey Cricket Club
Motor Neurone Yorkshire Coast Group
Keep Filey Tidy
Filey Americana Festival
The diversity of the causes we are able to support in 2023 really shines a light on the growing needs of our community, and the response of so many people who volunteer to provide the help many residents need.
Filey Bay Today is dependent on the support of many people, but the tireless work of the aforementioned Natalie and Sue Bosomworth is without equal. Coming from a long history of public service via the Town Council and Rotary Club, they have brought a clear vision and steadfast resilience enabling both the creation and continued development of the magazine and website.
It is with great pride that we can report that Filey Bay Today has ‘given back’ over £40k since the first edition hit the shelves in 2013. This money has been donated to approximately 6-70 local groups and causes.
We would like to thank everyone who has written for the magazine, bought an advert, become a stockist, helped with our website development and printing needs and lots of other things that are too numerous to list here.
We also miss and will always be thankful for the work of our sadly departed and fellow founding member, Raymond Bosomworth. Our regular and fantastic writers Dominic Walsh and Kimberley Reed are invaluable and operate exclusively in the ‘above and beyond the call of duty’ category. Huge thanks to you both.
Of course, our regular subscribers and customers are the bedrock of what we do and we thank you so much for your loyal and ongoing support.
If you would like to help with content or in any way at all, please contact us anytime.
Here’s to the next ten years!
The Filey Bay Today Team
Directors – Natalie Bosomworth, Sue Bosomworth, Tizzy Terrell, Philip Hopwood
House Writers – Dominic Walsh, Kimberley Reed
Editor – Natalie Bosomworth
First published in the April 2023 magazine.